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                Views of Novogrudok



    Views of Novogrudok are extraordinarily beautiful. Relief of Novogrudok region is very varied. Novogrudok City and much of the area are on the edge Novogrudskaya glacial hill, which is the highest part of the Grodno region. North-eastern, northern and north-western part of the district is Lubcha (Neman) water-glacial valley.

    The surface area is large-hilly and plateau-like.

    The average altitude is equal to 150-250 m. above the level of the Baltic Sea.

    The highest point is the Castle Hill in Novogrudok (323 m.), and the lowest is edge Neman (118 m.).




    Forests occupied 38% of the territory. The total forest area is ​​69.4 thousand ha and on  67.1 thousand ha forest located in the State forest fund. Among the wild animals that live in forests are elk, wild boar, deer, roe deer.

    The largest forested area in the west is the Neman forests, and in the east is forests, there are part of the forest and the Count Nalibokskaya Forest. There are pine forests, spruce. Hardwood trees are the most common hornbeam, beech, maple, birch.

    Marshes occupied 5.2 hectares of the area.

    The district takes 47 rivers and 20 streams, a total length of 527 km.
    In the upper reaches over 77 km of its waters to the district fanned in a poetic and musical creativity Neman River and its left tributaries Valovka, Kramushevka, FPGA Nevdakh, Yatranka.

    The largest lake is Lake District Svitiaz. The area of ​​its water surface is 2.24 square km, the volume of water is 7.8 million cubic meters, the catchment area is 14 sq. km. The greatest depth is 15 m Svityaz. The lake is 1.7 km and width is 1.6 km.




    Filler type Hollow Lake has a rounded shape, slightly elongated from north to south. Gentle slopes of the basin are overgrown the deciduous coniferous forest in some places.

    Slopes in the southern and south-western parts are swamped, peatied.

     The coastal part of the lake is lined with sand and deep mud. The lake water is brackish (less than 35 mg / l).

    In the lake there are such relict plants as hydrilla kolchikovaya, Naiad flexible and algae tetradinium Javanese, which is found only in the lake of Java and some reservoirs in Poland.

    The lake is found clam planorgis stelmatikus, relict species of zooplankton that are typical of lakes in Scandinavia.

    The area also has lakes Waterfall, Litovka, Chereshlya and others. In the lake there are deposits of sapropel Benin.







    Filler type Hollow Lake has a rounded shape, slightly elongated from north to south. Gentle slopes of the basin, overgrown deciduous, coniferous forest sites. In the southern and south-western parts of the slopes swampy, peaty. The coastal part of the lake is lined with sand and deep mud. The lake water is brackish (less than 35 mg / l).

    In the lake there are such relict plants as hydrilla kolchikovaya, Naiad flexible and algae tetradinium Javanese, which is found only in the lake of Java and some reservoirs in Poland.

    The lake is found clam planorgis stelmatikus, relict species of zooplankton that are typical of lakes in Scandinavia.

    The area also has lakes Waterfall, Litovka, Chereshlya and others. In the lake there are deposits of sapropel Benin.




    The district has landscaped republican reserves Novogrudski, Svityazyansky, Naliboksky (partially). There are reserves of local importance: Vselyubsky, Izvensky, Palatine Forest (partially).

    Monuments of national importance are: Vselyubsky park, oak-tee on the territory of Svityaz forest and mountain Putsevichskaya (v. Putsevichi), Zapolskiye kanglomeraty (v. Zapolye), Big Stone Plisa (Vselyubskoe forestry), large rock with Lithuanian characters (Litovka), Holy Stone Senezhitsky (v. Senezhitsy) Zapolskii boulder (v.Zapolye).

    Natural monuments of local importance are Chapel Hill, Rutkowski hill, two boulders Lukinsky, Big Stone Girdovsky.