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    Personal Exhibition of the 60th anniversary of Belarusian artist Vladimir Akulov


    took place in October - December 2014 in National Library of Belarus.

     Organizers of the exhibition are National Library of Belarus and the establishment  "Ekointour group"




           The ceremonial opening of the exhibition of avant-garde painting of Akulov Vladimir dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the artist, it took place on October 14 in the gallery "Panorama" (on the 22nd floor of the library).




     Akulov Vladimir is bright representative of the second wave of the Belarusian avant-garde. Thousands of paintings and graphic works was created during the years of creative work. Being a man inquiring and searching, Vladimir traveled all over the former Soviet Union from Tyumen and Krasnodar to Koktebel of Crimea, he worked in Germany, Belgium, Italy.




    Whole cycles of his work were abroad - in Germany, Belgium and the United States.  Alexander Glaser, one of the organizers of the famous Moscow "Buldozernaya" exhibition in 1974, came to Minsk  for the works of the author for the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art in the USA (New Jersey); Vladimir Akulov and now well represented in this museum.




    Creativity of Akulov attributed to any single direction impossible. The main thing is that he is absolutely recognizable, for any work, even the smallest format.

          The exhibition for the anniversary of the author was represented by 40 paintings by the author for the period 1989 -2014.