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«  Сентябрь 2024  »
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    House-Museum of Adam Mickiewich

      in Zaosie
         The house is in the village Zaosie, where was born the famous poet Adam Mickiewicz on 24 December of 1798, the poeof European values.
         Manor Mickiewich's completely rebuilt in the 1990.



         The old  linden tree and a small pond preserved only today.
         The museum complex - a sample layout of a typical noble homestead late XVIII - early XIX century.


           In the central part of the house is located kopleksa next to him - Ambarchik, barn and barn.
          You can see the well-crane, a cellar and a bathhouse near the small pond. You can actually see the exposition and interior.


          Manor maded in the style of a typical Belarusian peasant architecture attracts tourists a chance to see the life story of the famous Belarusian writer.



         The museum in the village Zaosie included in most tourist programs: Ecotourism in Belarus, weekend breaks in Belarus, Rest in Belarus holidays, Active holidays in Belarus, Children's rest in Belarus and many other programs, that involve tourism and recreation in Belarus.



         The museum allows the chance to see the life story of the famous Belarusian writer, as well as experience the true rest in Belarus.