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    House-Museum of Adam Mickiewicz in Novogrudok
    located in the house where the poet lived parents of Adam Mickiewicz.



            The museum was opened September 11, 1938 on the initiative of the society "Mitskevichsky Committee." In June 1941, the museum was destroyed by German bombing, and rebuilt in 1955 on the 100th anniversary of the death of Mickiewicz. Reconstruction of the museum was carried out from 1989 to 1991: the main building was rebuilt on the model of the early XIX century, built outbuilding, a barn, a well, gazebo.

            The museum was opened September 11, 1938 on the initiative of the society "Mitskevichsky Committee." In June 1941, the museum was destroyed by German bombing, and rebuilt in 1955 on the 100th anniversary of the death of Mickiewicz. Reconstruction of the museum was carried out from 1989 to 1991: the main building was rebuilt on the model of the early XIX century, built outbuilding, a barn, a well, gazebo.
        The first director was Vladislav Lyaruy. After the establishment of Soviet power in Western Belarus, the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR from 12.03.1940, the house-museum was taken under protection of the state and transferred to the disposal of the People's Commissariat of Education.
        During the Great Patriotic War museum house has been destroyed. In 1941, the German air bomb was destroyed most of the exhibits. A certain number of surviving artifacts was taken after the war on the territory of Poland.
         House-Museum of Adam Mickiewicz was restored to pre-war form of the 100th anniversary of the death of the poet and opened November 26, 1955. In 1989-1990-m respectively Vilnius branch of the Polish company "Budymex" for the funds of the Belarusian side was reconstructed manor Mickiewiczes: restored building modeled after the beginning of the nineteenth century. Was built outbuilding with an underground passage to the manor house, a barn, a well, gazebo.



     In the renovated 12 September 1992 opened a new exhibition, created jointly by the House-Museum and the Museum of Literature of Adam Mickiewicz in Warsaw. It was, in addition to their own, even 152 exhibits transferred to the deposit by the Polish museums.



          In 2001, the data exhibits returned to the Polish side. The current exhibition is open today, May 25, 2001. The authors of the scientific concept became members of the House-Museum S.Anisimova. N.Chernyavskaya, N.Gayba. Art artist solution implemented G.Chistym. Director of the museum since January 2000 - Nicholas Gaibu.





          Excursions in the Museum of Adam Mickiewicz in Novogrudok held in Belarusian, Russian, Polish, German and English.