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    Life and work of Adam Mickiewicz.

    Key dates





         1798. December, 24 - Lawyer Nicolay Mickiewich and his wife Barbara Majewskа were born the son Adam in the manor Zaosie.
       1806. Mickiewich arrived in the Dominican school in Novogrudok.
         1812. Nicholay Mickiewich died, the poet's father. Campaign of the Napoleonic army was through Poland. Jerome Bonaparte headquartered in Navahrudak.
    Mickiewich credited the Faculty of Vilnius University.
        1817. October, 1 - The charter  of the bylaws "Company Philomath" accepted 
    Mickiewich entrusted management section "Literature and Moral Science" in the "Society Philomath". The first poetic experiments.
         1819. "Ode to Youth". Graduation. Work in the gymnasium at Kovno as a teacher of Latin literature. Maria Vereshchaka hobby. April, 10 - base "Union Fila-Retov." 1820, January - Mickiewich in Wilno. The death of the poet's mother. The appearance of the ballad "Svitezyanka" and "Romance".
         1821. Breaking with the family Vereshchak. Strengthening ties with conspiracy national liberation circles. Start dramatic poem "Dzyady." The end of the book "Ballads and Romances".
         May 1822 - Release of the first collection of poems.

    1823. The second part of "Digression". September, 1 -  Mickiewich in the biennial vacation. The investigation of the secret societies in Poland and Lithuania. October 23 - The arrest of  Mickiewich in Wilno and imprisonment. The publication of the prologue, second and fourth parts of the poem "Dzyady" together with the "Ode to Youth" and the poem "Grazyna".
         1824. Investigation of the 108 arrested Filaret and Philomath. April ,  21 -
     Mickiewich released from prison on bail. October, 24 - Mickiewich deported to Russia. November, 9 - Mickiewich is in St. Petersburg.
         1825. From February to October Mickiewich is in Odessa, with a trip to the Crimea from 14 August until 14 October. December - Mickiewich is in Moscow.
     February . Mickiewich is in the State Chancellery of the Moscow Military Governor-General. The publication of the collection "Crimean Sonnets".
     Mickiewich in Moscow was working on the poem "Konrad Wallenrod." It was meetings with Pushkin. Improvisation Mickiewich was in the evenings Zinaida Volkonskaya.
         1828. February 21 -
     Mickiewich in St. Petersburg produced poem "Konrad Wallenrod." April. Issue in St. Petersburg two volumes of "Poems". The article "On the critics and reviewers of Warsaw", written in defense of the Romantic school. Acquaintance with the family pianist Maria Szymanowska.
         1829 May 15 - Mickiewich was left Russia.
         1830. Mickiewich was in Rome. Mickiewich was in Geneva. November. Mickiewicz was in Rome, where he received the news of the uprising in Poland.
    Mickiewich spends the winter in Rome.
    Mickiewich was in Rome. January, 25, insurgent Poland announced detronizatsiyu  of Nicholay First. August, 6. Mickiewich under an assumed name arrives in Dresden, Saxony heading across Poland. August - September Wanderings in Poznan along the borders of the Kingdom of Poland. Miscavige in the name of "bold" on the Prussian border. September, 8 - The capitulation of Warsaw.

        1832, january - February - March - Mickiewich was in Poznań. It translates of "Гяура" of Byron, it conceived of poem "Pan Tadeusz". The first sketched of the third part of the "Digression". June - Mickiewicz was in Dresden. Start of "The Book of the Polish people and the Polish piligrimstva." Military ballads. August, 1 - Mickiewich is in Paris. The publication of "The Book of the people and piligrnmstva." The emergence of "Polish Democratic Society." The first edition of the third part of "Digression". November. Mickiewich edited the newspaper "Polish Piligrim".
         1833, september - Paris. Continued work on the poem "Pan Tadeusch".
         1834, february - The poem "Pan Tadeusch" was 
    print . June, 22 - Mickiewich married on Celina Shymanowska.
         1835, september - the birth of their first child. 1836 -
    Mickiewich and his family settled in Paris under the Home of the artist David d'Angers.
         1837. Rendezvous with Sobolevsky. The article on the death of Pushkin in the journal "Le Globe". Friendship with Quine, Michle, George Sand.

         1838, June - the birth of his son Vladislav, he later was biography of the poet. November. Mickiewich was election to the chair of Roman literature at the University of Lausanne.
         1839. Pogodin, Shevyrev, Vyazemskij were at
    Mickiewich. Article by George Sand of Mickiewich. Teaching at the University of Lausanne. Opening of the Department of Slavic literatures at the College de France.
         1840. Start of lectures in Paris.
         1844. May, 28 - Last lecture was at the Collège de France.
    Mickiewich was in Rome. March. Organization of the Polish Legions was in Italy. June. Mickiewicz was in Paris.
         1849. Meeting of 
    Mickiewich was with AI Herzen. Mickiewich founded the newspaper "Tribuna peoples."
    Mickiewich taked part in the "Literary Society".
         1854. Latin ode to Napoleon III.
         1855. March, 5 - The death of Celina
    Mickiewich. September, 11 - Departure from Paris to Constantinople. November, 26 at 9:00 Mickiewich dying of cholera.

          1856. January, 21 - Ashes Mickiewicz moved to Paris in the cemetery of Montmorency.

          1890, July, 4 - Ashes Mickiewicz moved to Krakow and was buried in a separate alcove ancient Wawel.