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    Colonies of white storks


    White storks liked manor park Ostashino in recent years. More than 30 birds live in the park during warmer months.

    They obviously like here - perhaps, because of the huge number of frogs in the park.






    White Stork is the most famous of storks.

     It is a white bird with black wing tips, long-necked, long thin red beak and long reddish legs.




    When the wings of a stork folded, it seems that the entire rear part of the body is black stork.

    Females are in color indistinguishable from males, but somewhat smaller.




    The growth of the white stork is 100-125 cm wingspan of 155-200 cm.

    The mass of an adult bird is 4 kg.




    The life expectancy of a white stork is on average 20 years.

    Externally similar to the white stork stork far east, but in recent years it is considered a separate species.

    White Stork is one of the symbols of Belarus.